10 quiz questions to kick off your week – Scroll to the bottom for the answers

  1. What type of organism do antibiotics fight?
  2. Prague is located in what country?
  3. What currency is used in South Africa?
  4. What part of the atom has no electric charge?
  5. An acorn may grow into what type of tree?
  6. What athlete was said to “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”?
  7. What is the main substance used to make crayons?
  8. The Fairfield, Victoria and Claudelands bridges cross what NZ river?
  9. What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan?
  10. What was the predecessor to the United Nations?



  1. Bacteria
  2. Czech Republic
  3. The Rand
  4. The Neutron
  5. An Oak tree
  6. Muhammed Ali
  7. Wax
  8. The Waikato River
  9. An alarm clock
  10. The League of Nations