10 quiz questions to kick off your week – Scroll to the bottom for the answers
  1. Who wrote the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
  2. The Aztec civilization was native to which modern day country?
  3. How many degrees are in a right angle?
  4. In the phonetic alphabet, which girl’s name is used to signify the letter ‘J’?
  5. The dong is the official currency of which country?
  6. Lemurs are endemic to which island?
  7. Whose portrait is on the NZ $10 note?
  8. What historic event began in Pudding Lane, London on September 2, 1666?
  9. How many days are in a leap year?
  10. The young foliage of what NZ native tree resembles seaweed – getting it’s name from the Māori word for seaweed?



  1. Roald Dahl
  2. Mexico
  3. 90°​​
  4. Juliett
  5. Vietnam
  6. Madagascar
  7. Kate Sheppard
  8. The Great Fire of London
  9. 366
  10. Rimu