10 quiz questions to kick off your week – Scroll to the bottom for the answers
- What is the signature food dish served at Wimbledon?
- Name the only species on Earth where the male carries the unborn offspring?
- Which sport takes place in a velodrome?
- What number shirt is typically worn by an tight-head prop in Rugby Union?
- In what country would you find “The Valley of the Kings?”
- What is the chemical equation for Carbon Dioxide?
- What was the first satellite to enter space called?
- In what year did Tony Blair become British Prime Minister. 1993, 1995 or 1997?
- What kind of creature is a Portuguese Man O’ War?
- What’s longer, a nautical mile or a mile?
- Strawberries and Cream
- Seahorses
- Cycling
- 3
- Egypt
- CO2
- Sputnik
- 1997
- A Jellyfish
- A nautical mile is longer (equals 1.1508 land-measured miles)