10 quiz questions to kick off your week – Scroll to the bottom for the answers

  1. Chris Martin is lead singer of which British band?
  2. What name beginning with ‘S’ is given to fully mature male gorillas?
  3. If the score reaches 40-40 in a game of tennis, what term is used?
  4. What was the last name of the inventor of the ballpoint pen?
  5. In mathematics, is pi a rational or irrational number?
  6. The 1987 NZ film Bad Taste was directed by whom?
  7. Coccinellidae beetles are better known by what ‘feminine’ name?
  8. Which sneaker brand has a style named the Chuck Taylor All Star?
  9. Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
  10. Spirit and Opportunity were the names of NASA rovers that explored which planet?



  1. Coldplay
  2. Silverback
  3. Deuce
  4. Biro (Laszlo Josef Biro)
  5. An irrational number
  6. Peter Jackson
  7. Ladybugs or Ladybirds
  8. Converse
  9. Geoffrey Chaucer
  10. Mars