10 quiz questions to kick off your week – Scroll to the bottom for the answers

  1. Thom Yorke is lead singer of which British band?
  2. What name is given to the female equivalent of the male peacock?
  3. Do the pupils of eye’s dilate or constrict in the dark?
  4. What was the first name of former NZ Prime Minister Robert Muldoon’s wife?
  5. What three colours feature on the flag of Ireland?
  6. Who directed the classic horror film The Birds?
  7. Bruxism is a medical term for when a person does what?
  8. Which European country uses .es at their end of their internet addresses?
  9. What is the highest mountain in Greece?
  10. Rugby player Payton Spencer just signed with the Blues. Who is his father?



  1. Radiohead
  2. Peahen
  3. Dilate
  4. Thea (Thea Muldoon)
  5. Green, White and Orange
  6. Alfred Hitchcock
  7. Grinds their teeth
  8. Spain (España)
  9. Mount Olympus
  10. Carlos Spencer