Recycled Australian Hardwood Parquet, Mt Victoria Villa Renovation

Home/Recycled Australian Hardwood Parquet, Mt Victoria Villa Renovation

Recycled Australian Hardwood parquet flooring. 350mm x 70mm x 17mm.

Interior designer Di Baker wanted a truly unique and striking wooden floor for this Mt Victoria villa renovation and modernisation. The design, piece size and coating was a joint effort between Di’s design flair and our wooden floor experience.

The recycled feedstock timber was imported into New Zealand from Australia in the 1930s. We recovered it as T&G floorboards from the Carterton Memorial Hall when the hall was demolished from re-development a few years ago. The floorboards were in poor condition and not suitable for re-use as T&G floorboards, with broken tongues and only a thin layer remaining on top of the groove. We re-profiled floorboards to a parquet profile, adding a chamfer to ensure that the parquet pieces retain their individual status.

Di’s attention to detail and creative flair, combined with our slow and precise installation have combined to create one of our all-time favourite floors.

The flooring was hand sanded and finished with Italian Carver Primol flooring oil colour Cappuccino followed by Carver Greenol Hardwax.

Unique Aspects:
The whole things was totally unique! And check out the chopping board we made from some of the leftover pieces.

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